Download AudioGridder v1.2.0 Free VST

FREE  | 762 MB
AudioGridder is a plugin host, that allows you to offload the DSP processing of audio plugins to remote computers running macOS or Windows. This can come in handy when mixing complex projects or running CPU intensive instruments for instance. AudioGridder comes with a plugin and a server and supports VST2, VST3 and AudioUnit plugin formats. Plugins can be hosted and accessed across the network: simply run the AudioGridder server on a remote machine and connect your DAW using the AudioGridder plugin. This allows you to add remote insert chains or instruments into your DAW's signal paths. The DSP code of the loaded remote plugins will be executed on the remote machine and the remote plugin UI's will be streamed over the wire. With AudioGridder you get an experience very close to hosting the plugins directly in your DAW but not using your local CPU.

The server supports VST2, VST3 and AudioUnit (on macOS only) plugin formats and is available for macOS and Windows. There are multiple possibilities for your setup. It is suggested, that you dedicate each server instance to a single remote DAW workspace. That is because each server can only stream a single UI at the same time.

The server is implemented as tray application on all platforms. Just click on the tray icon to bring up the settings, plugin manager or statistics window.

You can run multiple parallel UI user sessions on macOS and Windows. Setup a user for each remote workspace, create a UI session (via VNC, note that RDP might not be working reliably with AudioGridder) and run a separate server instance in each session. You need to assign a different server ID to each instance (in the server settings). In your DAW you can address each server instance from the AudioGridder plugin via “server[:ID]” notation.

The plugin is currently supported on macOS, Windows and Linux as VST2, VST3, AAX and AudioUnit (on macOS only).

With the AudioGridder FX plugin you can plug a remote insert effect chain into your DAW’s channel inserts. From there you can insert any FX plugin available on the connected server.

Instruments work similarly. Create a software instrument track in your DAW and select the AudioGridder plugin as instrument. Now you can load any of the instrument plugins available on the server.

Each AudioGridder plugin instance will connect to a single remote server instance. But each separate loaded plugin instance can connect to a different server, so you can connect to multiple servers from your DAW at the same time.

More ifnfo & download link visit the official AudioGridder website here