Surge XT is a virtual synthesizer originally released as “Surge” into open source by creator Claes Johanson in September 2018. Since then, it is maintained by a group of volunteers.
This first section is intended to give you a brief overview of some concepts that are specific to this synthesizer and an introduction on how to navigate, manipulate, and use Surge XT to its full potential.
For detailed information regarding the synthesis engine and other advanced technical specifications and options of this synthesizer, there is a second section dedicated to Technical Reference.
Note that most of the images and descriptions in this manual are made with the Classic skin in mind, as it’s the default skin used when first loading Surge XT.機能をこれでもかと詰め込んだ、有志オタク達の開発する超マニアックなフリーのソフトシンセ、Surge XT。有料シンセにもひけを取らない品質の高さ。今回は出来るだけさらっと解説…のつもりが、けっこう長くなってしまいました。
For more infos & Download Visit the official website here